January 19th, 2005
Posted at 7:20 PM by Steven Chalker
Steven Chalker again… We’ve narrowed down the choices of nursing homes. It’s either going to be University Specialty (aka Deaton) or a nursing home that begins with “Ft. ” and it’s in Southern Baltimore. Lorien in Mt. Airy, MD has it’s beds full even though the Adelphia Advertising Center still allows them to advertise here and they say they still have beds. Whatever the case, the next news statements will probably have where he’s going.
UPDATE: Today has been flip-flopped. Dad went from UMD to University Specialty and then back to UMD again. Apparently dad had gone from the 4th Floor (Intensive Care Unit) to the 7th Floor (Which isn’t as intensive), transferred to Deaton, then developed a Fever, then went back to the 4th Floor. A later scan showed Dad had brain damage because not enough oxygen went into dad’s brain. So when dad’s fever goes down under 100�F, he will be transferred to Deaton again.
January 15th, 2005
Posted at 7:19 PM by Eva Whitley
Eva Whitley here: We went into the hospital today. Jack’s eyes opened from time to time but he wasn’t particularly responsive and he kept drifting off. We stayed on the idea he was hearing us and appreciating his company. We also talked to the resident for about 10 minutes who wanted to know about Jack’s mental state before he was admitted to the emergency room.
They are concerned that the sedation has been off for several days now (probably not that long, because didn’t he have to be sedated for the surgery?) but he’s still asleep most of the time.
We’re planning on going back tomorrow morning, and maybe Monday. They plan to move him to the nursing home for vent weaning after that, and after that, who knows? We’d like him to come home, but that’s not going to happen if he stays in this state.
Jack has a Guest Book now at http://www2.caringbridge.org/md/jacklchalker/ if you want to leave a get well message.
Oh, and the cardiologist who they consulted on Jack’s heart asked if he was the same Jack Chalker “who wrote all those books.” You never know when you’re going to find another fan!
January 3rd, 2005
Posted at 7:17 PM by Steven Chalker
This morning I was awoken with breaking news: Dad was being moved to University of Maryland, and not Deaton. The problem was that around 2am his trach started having him bleed a lot and CHC could not fix it and moved him to UMD. So they had to send the police around 3am to our house just to tell us to answer the phone because we were sleeping. When I went in there a few hours ago, they did not reinsert the trach. Instead, he’s back on the ventilator and sedated, in Critical Condition. If your in Baltimore and want to go see him, go to UMD in Downtown Baltimore, 4th floor and just ask for Jack Chalker.
January 1st, 2005
Posted at 7:16 PM by Steven Chalker
This is going to be the final news post on www.JackChalker.com unless a big emergency or something really exciting happens. Mom & I came up with an idea if you want to help instead of donating. You can contribute a present or a get well card to:
The Mirage Press
P.O. Box 1689
Westminster, MD 21158-1689
I’ve also removed the live conditions thing because for the past 10 days now he has been Stable and looks like the rest of this month it will still be Stable. For all Dad’s update, please visit Jack Chalker’s Wife’s Blog or My blog. �Felices fiestas! (P.S. I did not take German [or… Latin?]. I got that line from Babel Fish.)